UPDATED: OMHA U11 Tournament Rules
Applications open September 23rd, 2024 & close October 7th, 2024. Application forms will be fillable after the 7th so that remaining spaces in the tournament can be filled from applications received after this date.
Teams are required to present a hard copy of their Official Team Roster 30 minutes prior to their first game of the tournament (if not already submitted in advance). Tournament organizers prepare the game sheets in advance of the tournament weekend, so an electronic copy of players names, jersey numbers, and list of team officials will be requested two weeks prior to the tournament start date.
Only players named on the Official Team Roster, including affiliated players, are eligible to play. Players may be required to sign-in before each game and may be asked to present proper identification.
A total of 19 players per team may play at each game, two of which may be goalies (for a maximum of 17 skaters and 2 goalies). Teams may register more players than this for the tournament, through use of their Affiliated Players, but a maximum of 19 may dress and play in any single game.
This is a House League tournament. Competitive teams may NOT enter our tournament under any circumstances.
Unless previously approved by the Tournament Administration, teams that are found to have registered at a level other than the classification set on their official team roster will be disqualified and will NOT be refunded their application fee (e.g. U13 A teams can NOT play at U13 B level in our tournament, etc.).
Games are played at Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex- 1490 Youville Drive, Orleans, ON, K1C 2X8. Admission is free of charge to spectators.
NOTE: Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex opens at 6:30am – please don’t arrive too early.
ALL games (Round Robin, Quarter-Final, Semi-Final, and Final) will be played as the following:
• One (1) 2-minute warm-up
• Three (3) 10-minute periods (stop time)
• All games are subject to the Mercy Rule
The ice is resurfaced at the end of every game. Teams should be ready to go on the ice, to start their game, as soon as BOTH (1) the Zamboni finishes and (2) the Referees are on the ice.
If, at any time after the end of the 2nd period, there is a difference of six (6) or more goals between the two teams, the game will be played out as running time (not to revert back to stop time, regardless of the score). For purposes of determining the round robin standings, the maximum goal differential for a particular game is six (6) goals.
NOTE: Minor penalties are 3:00 and Major penalties 7:00 in running time, while mercy rule is in effect.
Because there is a mercy rule and Tournament Administration is always trying to keep the games moving, in case of any unforeseen events, games may begin slightly ahead of schedule. Teams must be prepared to play as much as 10 minutes early or risk forfeiting, if so determined by the Tournament Administration
Because of ice-time limits, round robin games do not have overtime and will curfew at fifty minutes after the start time scheduled for the game (e.g. a 9:00 game will curfew at 9:50, regardless of what time the game actually starts). Coaches should clarify the curfew time prior to the start of each round robin game. To be clear this means that round robin games will end at the earlier of:
1. The game clock runs out, or
2. When buzzer goes to indicate that curfew has been reached.
Quarter-Final, Semi-Final, and Final games DO NOT curfew and if they should finish at the end of the third period in a tie, the tie will be resolved by:
1. One 5-minute sudden-death period (stop time), 4-on-4 plus goalies.
2. Best of 3 Shoot-Out (both teams shoot simultaneously), followed by sudden death individual shoot-out until decided.
NOTE: All skaters must shoot before anyone is permitted to return for 2nd attempt & players with a penalty at the end of overtime are not eligible to participate in the shootout.
Teams are each allowed one 30-second timeout in Quarter-Final, Semi-Final, and Final games, at any time during the game. There are NO timeouts allowed during round robin games.
At the end of each game, teams are to line up on their respective Blue Lines for the announcement of the “Hustler of the Game” awards. Coaches from both participating teams will select one player from their own team and notify the tournament official of their choice.
All teams must have a certified trainer on the bench for every game throughout the tournament. CITY RULES REQUIRE THAT EVERYONE GOING ON THE ICE MUST WEAR A HELMET- Coaches, Trainers & Photographers.
Home team is to wear WHITE jerseys. Visiting team is to wear DARK jerseys. When team colours are conflicting, the HOME team will be expected to change sweaters.
All HEO rules apply and will be enforced, including the HEO Code of Discipline.
NOTE: If a major penalty is assessed during any game, the Coach or Manager MUST check in with the Tournament Administration immediately following the game to determine suspensions.
Dressing rooms must be vacated 20 minutes after the end of each game. Please be courteous to our facilities and leave the rooms clean. Rooms will be inspected and, should any damages occur, team officials will be held responsible.
Standings will be based on points/game: Win: 2 points, Tie: 1 point, Loss: 0 points.
Tie Breakers - If at the end of the round robin series there is a tie in the division/round-robin standings, the winning team will be determined by:
1. Winning team of the head-to-head between the two teams (applies to 2-way ties only),
2. The team with the most wins in round robin,
3. The team with the better “Goals For / (Goals For + Goals Against)” ratio,
4. The team with less penalty minutes in round robin,
5. Coin toss.
NOTE: For the purpose of determining the Round Robin winner, forfeits are counted as a one-zero win. NOTE: Tie breakers will be assessed by Orleans MHA Tournament Administration only.
An award will be presented to the team (from any of the three divisions) that best exemplifies the spirit of sportsmanship; demonstrating a great level of fairness and respect to others throughout the tournament.
In the event of any conflict, the Tournament Administration reserves the right to amend any rule, schedule or decision they determine to be in the best interest of the tournament and all such decisions are to be considered final. Tournament Administration does not have any authority to over-ride referee decisions and/or GHA/HEO suspensions.