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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

Team Managers (House League)

A Manager's Guide to Hockey Life (Updated October 2024)

Managers make the hockey fun happen, often in the background, without the players even knowing what they do. Team Managers help ensure that coaches are able to best spend their time coaching and they are crucial to the success of a team's hockey season! This page contains lots of information and lots of links to information. Team Managers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the documents and links found below to help guide them through their hockey season. The mentorship committee encourages all OMHA teams to use the various forms located in the Appendices below, our goal is to have all OMHA teams using the same forms which will create consistency and help avoid confusion. It's a lot so, when you're stuck, don't be shy to reach out to the Mentorship Committee for help finding the answers to your questions.

Quick Links

  • IMPORTANT: For specific, up-to-date information related to Gloucester Hockey Association League play and structure, please consult the GHA Rules and Regulations.

  • IMPORTANT: For specific, up-to-date information related to the structure of and tasks associated with OMHA teams, please consult the OMHA Rules and Regulations.

  • Find contact info for GHA Coaches & Managers HERE.

  • For Hockey Eastern Ontario resources, including links to required courses, visit HEO Website.

  • For the most up-to-date Risk & Safety Policies, click HERE.

  • To find tournaments within HEO, visit their Tournament Search Engine.

  • To find tournaments outside of HEO, visit the Ontario Minor Hockey Association website's Tournament Listings Page.

  • To book Referees for exhibition games, visit the District 9 Referee Association website.


Team Manager Cheat-Sheet, Links & What's App Group

Our Team Manager Cheat-Sheet has lots of helpful tips for Managers heading into the season and is a great complement to the links found below. Our seasonal Manager What's App Group has also proved to be a great resource for Managers. On there, you can get a super quick answer to your questions from other Managers and get to know others in the association. To be added to the group once the season starts, email Leah (Team Manager Mentor) to be added:

  1. HTCP Medical Information Form

  2. FAIR PLAY PLEDGE for Players & Parents

  3. Game Sheet Label Template

  4. Instructions on Completing a Game Sheet

  5. Manley Clock Instructions

  6. Senecal Clock Instructions

  7. Club Roster Affiliation FAQs- GHA 2022

  8. Affiliation Form for House League Tournaments and Competitive Teams

  9. Team Fees

  10. Team Parent Meeting Agenda (Sample)

  11. House League Budget (Sample)

  12. Parent Budget Ratification Form

  13. Assigned Sweater List

  14. Police Record Check for Service with the Vulnerable Sector

  15. Volunteer Letter for the Police Record Check for Service with the Vulnerable Sector

  16. Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders

  17. Gender Identity Training

  18. HEO Social Media Guidelines

  19. Rowan's Law

  20. HEO Dressing Room Policy for U13 and older 

  21. Outdoor Rink Usage Policy

  22. Tournament Checklist

  23. Team Travel Permit (HEO)

  24. Consent to Travel Abroad Parent-Guardian Letter

  25. USA Hockey and Hockey Canada Travel Permit

  26. Officiating Complaint and Compliment Form


Figure 1: OMHA Organizational Structure 
Figure 2: GHA Organizational Structure
Figure 3: Team Organizational Structure


Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
