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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

Pre-Season Evaluations


Competitive Tryouts

What are the different competitive levels?
  • The competitive division consists of multiple levels:
- U11 and younger consists of competitive levels from AA down to Rep B.
- U12 and older levels include AAA down to Rep B.
  • All levels are separate identities and administered by different boards.
- AA and A levels: Gloucester Rangers 
- Rep B level: Blues Hockey  

To register for competitive team tryouts, go to the appropriate association. Registration at the competitive levels usually opens in June and could offer pro-rated fees for early registrations. Please check the appropriate association website for further information.

When do competitive/house league tryouts begin? What is the process?
Depending on the level, competitive tryouts could begin as early as the second week of August for the AAA level. Once the AAA have completed their teams then the AA and A level tryouts begin. The Rep B Tryout begin after the AA and A levels, usually the first week of September (around the Labour Day weekend). Normally, the House League sort-outs are done a week after the Rep B have started.

How does the selection process work for competitive?

Player can register for tryouts at any level. If a player is not selected for specific competitive level, they are automatically released to go to the next lower level. For example, player not selected for AAA would be release to tryout for AA and so on. Players that are not selected for Rep B level are released to their home association's house league.

My child did not get selected for the competitive team. Now what?

If you child was not selected for the Rep B level, they will join their home association's House League sort-outs and continue with the evaluation in progress. Please note that your child is not guaranteed House League A level team because they attended competitive tryouts since many skilled players choose to play House League hockey and do not attend competitive tryouts.

House League Evaluations (aka Sort-Outs)

Once your child is at the Association Level (House League) Sort-Outs, they will go through the evaluation process and be assigned to a team. No player is released once at the association level (in other words, everyone has a spot).  

How will I know where to go for each successive sort-out session?

Please refer to the OMHA website for the next evaluation of House League, at the appropriate level.
* This information will be posted once evaluations are scheduled.

What happens if my child misses an evaluation session? Who should I contact?

You should email the Director for your child’s division. This information can be found under the OMHA Executive tab.

How is my child evaluated for placement on a team? What skills are the evaluators assessing during the evaluation process?  

Please regularly check the OMHA website; player evaluations are performed prior to the start of each hockey season (early September). The objective of player evaluations is to perform a fair and impartial assessment of the players’ hockey skill set in order to create balanced and competitive house teams and to ensure that each player is placed in a level at where they can participate and have fun. As a parent, advise your child to just try their best, please do not get hung up on a perceived result.

* Please arrive at a minimum 30 minutes prior to the start of session in order to have players sign-in and pick up their assigned jerseys.

How long will the evaluation process take?

We aim to complete the evaluation process in two weeks. If more time is required to suitably complete the process, then further sessions may be necessary.

What can I expect to happen during the evaluation process?
  • During the first sessions, groups will be divided alphabetically. The purpose of this is to ensure a fair representation of the full range of players’ skill level for each session. Parents can expect to see a wide range of player abilities during this session.
  • For the following session, groups will be form based on similar skill level.
  • During the evaluation process, movement of some players is to be expected. Since the evaluation is a fluid process taking place over two weeks, there is opportunity for players to bring their best effort to each session.
  • In addition, specific goalie evaluations may be scheduled.
What skills are being evaluated?

The hockey skills that will be focused on and used as a base for evaluation are:
- Forward skating;
- Backward skating;
- Stopping;
- Turning (cross-overs);
- Stick handling; and,
- Game play (general ability in game-type situations).

How will the on-ice evaluation sessions be structured?
  • At the younger levels, the first session may consist of a couple drills that will allow the evaluators to systematically evaluate specific skills. Parents and players can expect some waiting in lines as each child has the opportunity to perform the drill. After these first sessions the players participate in game-type play and this will be the format for the remaining evaluations.
  • At the older levels, the evaluation is often completed through inter-squad games, with no drill session.
What should players wear to the evaluation?

Full equipment, noted above, is always mandatory. Consult our Equipment Tips section for more information.

Who will be conducting the evaluations?
  • On-ice coaches will be explaining, demonstrating, and running the players through the various drills; adults will manage the bench during inter-squad games.
  • To ensure a fair and impartial assessment of the players, objective, off-ice evaluators are responsible for evaluating each player on the ice during the time allotted.
  • Off-ice administrators are responsible for scheduling the sessions, tracking evaluations, and communicating with parents and players.
* Please note that everyone involved with the evaluation process is a volunteer who has dedicated their time to the evaluation process.

How are players/parents notified of their child’s standing within the process?

Specific information and updated schedules will be made available on our website, please check regularly throughout the evaluation process.   

What does "balancing" teams mean?

As we near the completion of the evaluation process, balancing games may be scheduled. Balancing occurs in each age division at the House League level to ensure teams are of even strength (no exceptionally strong/weak team) prior to the season beginning. Once the OMHA executives are satisfied with the teams, a final roster is determined and a coach is assigned to the team.

How many teams are in a division? Why can’t there be more "A" teams? How is it determined how many A vs. B vs. C teams are in a given division?

The OMHA is mandated to follow the Gloucester Hockey Association ruling for ratios, which are based on the number of registrants in each division.

Can my child be placed on the same team as his friend?

The OMHA is required to roster balanced teams and therefore, requests for same teams cannot always be accommodated. Don’t worry, your child will make a bunch of new hockey friends!

When does the season start and finish?  

House League sort-outs begin in early September. In general, games will scheduled from September to February-March, followed by playoffs. All hockey seasons are generally completed by mid-April.
The Gloucester Hockey Association House League Regular Season schedules will be posted HERE

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