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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

Registration (General Info)

Where do I have to reside for my child to play hockey with the Orleans Rush?

You must be a resident with a K1C, K1J and K1B/Pineview postal codes to play with the Orleans Minor Hockey Association (OMHA).

How old does my child have to be to participate in the OMHA hockey program?

Your child must be 4 years of age by December 31 of the current season year. Children are first enrolled in the hockey Initiation Program - now referred to as U7 level. This is a structured, learn-to-play hockey program designed to introduce beginners to basic skills of hockey in an atmosphere of fun and fair play. There are no additional teams fees beyond the OMHA registration fee.

My child has never played hockey before, will this be a problem?

Not at all. We have lots of players of different ages that have never played organized hockey. Your child will be registered by birth year and, following an evaluation of their skating and hockey skills, will be placed on a team with similarly skilled players. There is lots of practice time over the year for improvement.

How do I register my child for Orleans Minor Hockey Association 

The OMHA uses an online registration precess: click on the Registration tab above (only available during registration window). Registration begins every June for the following hockey season. Registration must be completed by June 30 for returning players while new players can register up to Labour Day weekend.
*Please be consistent in name use when registering your child for hockey (e.g. do not use the name variations that are interchangeable such as Rob-Robert-Bob - consistent use of one name is required).

What does my registration fee cover?

OMHA registration costs generally include expenses such as: predetermined practice ice, games, insurance, team league registration fees, equipment (jerseys, pucks pylons), ice officials, coach certification at U7 level, etc.

Your registration covers the following:


* Registration fees are different across divisions due to variances in ice times, equipment, and number of required officials.

How are registration fees paid to the OMHA? What financial assistance is available?

Registration fees are payable online through MasterCard, Visa, and Pay-Pal. Programs such as Canadian Tire Jumpstart, Kidsport Ottawa and others are available (may be income based) to those requiring financial support. If you qualify for support, the OMHA will be notified. Please note that funding assistance is not intended to cover full registration amounts and parents are responsible for the balance of funds.

Hockey Canada information on financial support is available HERE.

My child has now decided not to play, what is the OMHA Refund policy?

Please refer to the OMHA Constitution (R.D. & R. 26 – Registration)Refunds of registration fees (upon written request to the Registrar) for players who decide to quit the O.M.H.A. for whatever reason, after having paid their registration, may be given according to the following formula:
i)     Before Sort-Outs – full refund
ii)    On or before November 1 – 2/3 refund
iii)   On or before December 1 – 1/3 refund
iv)   After December 1 – no refund

My child made a competitive team (e.g. Gloucester Rangers), do I get my registration costs back from the OMHA?

No, the registration fee you paid to the OMHA are directly transferred to your child’s new team. Parents are responsible for covering the balance of registration fees to your competitive team association as well as team fees. *NOTE: late fees are not included in the transfer.

Is my child insured while participating in games, practices, or any other hockey related activity (team party)?

Insurance coverage for Hockey Canada sanctioned events is provided through Hockey Canada, for the term from September 1 to August 31. Please refer to the Hockey Canada Insurance information located under Risk and Safety.

What are the different levels of hockey in the House League program?

House League is divided by age groups:
U7 – previously named Initiation Program (4 to 6 years);
U9 – previously named Novice (7-8 years);
U11 – previously named Atom (9-10 years);
U13 – previously named PeeWee (11-12 years);
U15 – previously named Bantam (13-14 years);
U18 – previously named Midget (15-17 years) and;
U21 – previously named Juvenile (18-20 years).

* generally, U9, U11 and U13 teams have tiered A-B-C levels (based on Sort-Out evaluations) within these groups; U15 and U18 have A-B tiers while U21 is represented by one level.

What times and days of the week will my player be on the ice?

The younger players at the U7 and U9 divisions will typically be scheduled on weekends, 2 times per week. Ice times will vary throughout the season and often change from week to week. Parents can expect any ice time from 7:00 am onwards. Younger players typically play earlier in the day.

What is the difference between House League and Rep B? Does House League play with body contact?

House League is recreational hockey with no body contact at any level. There are typically 20 to 24 (60-minute) games per season and games are played within the local district (see Arenas section).

Rep B is competitive hockey, and teams play 30 games throughout the season; all Rep B games are played throughout the Region. Game duration is longer at Rep B level for U15 and U18 divisions and body contact begins at the U13 level.  

What is the commitment difference between house league and a competitive level?

House League teams will typically be on the ice 2 times per week: one game and one practice. Depending on your coach, you may have 1-3 tournaments (local and/or out-of-town) during the season.

Competitive Rep B teams will typically be on the ice 3-5 times per week and may have anywhere from 1-5 tournaments (local and out-of-town) during the season.

What is the cost difference for house league and competitive players?

After initial registration fee, House League team fees can range between $250- $450.

After initial registration fee, Competitive Rep B team fees can vary up to $1,000 - please check the Blues website for updated information.

Does the OMHA take imported players for our competitive teams?  

The OMHA endeavors to recruit locally. Under exceptional circumstances only will we accommodate out-of-district players.

What equipment does my child need?
  • Your child must be outfitted with properly fitted standard hockey equipment in order to participate on ice. This equipment includes:
    • Hockey skates - please ensure they are regularly sharpened
    • CSA Approved helmet with full face shield
    • Neck guard
    • Shoulder pads
    • Shin pads
    • Elbow pads
    • Protective cup
    • Hockey pants
    • Hockey gloves
    • Socks/ garter belt
    • Hockey Stick
    • Mouth Guard (mandatory for the OMHA)
    • Practice jersey
    • Hockey stick(s) - generally cut to a length between the upper lip and chin while the child is standing on skates; if unsure, please consult with your coach.
*Two sets of Orleans Rush jerseys (home, away) will be provided to the players team at the beginning of the season and must be returned at the end of the season.

Additional information and resources on proper fit of hockey equipment is available HERE.
I have shared custody and my child’s other parent lives in another hockey district, where should I register?

Every case is unique, please consult the OMHA registrar for more information.

 My family just moved to Orleans in November; can I still register to play hockey? Are registration fees pro-rated for late-comers?

Please contact the OMHA registrar to determine if there is availability, based on our registration numbers, for your child to play in the current season. 


Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
