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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

Coach Selections and Certifications / Qualifications

How and when do I apply for a coaching position?

Coach applications for the following season are generally made available mid-May, and can be found on the OMHA website. Submissions are accepted throughout the summer, with a deadline usually set later in August. Please refer to the menu above for the application and deadline for submissions.

What is the interview process?

Shortly after the application deadline, a member of the OMHA Coach Selection Committee will contact applicants to arrange a date/time for an interview. Interviews are generally conducted in late-August/early-September by a 3-4 member panel. Interview questions will cover coaching experience, knowledge as well as coaching philosophy.

House League Head Coach Certification/Qualification Requirements:

Hockey Canada Course Registry is available HERE
Respect In Sport for Activity Leaders is avaiable HERE
Current Police Record Check (Level 3 Vulnerable Sector) is required for all coaches
  • U7 level:
To achieve this status you must complete the following components:

- Coach 1 (1 day in-class course - reimbursed by the OMHA, subject to pre-approval)
- Hockey University Online Coach 1/2 course
- Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
- Gender Identity Online Training
- Hockey University - Planning a Safe Return to Hockey
* the Hockey University Online Coach 1/2 course must be completed before you can register for the Coach 1 in-class course.
  • U9 to U21 levels:
To achieve this status you must complete the following components:

- Coach 2 (1 day in-class course)
- Hockey University Online Coach 1/2 course
- Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
- Gender Identity Online Training
- Hockey University - Planning a Safe Return to Hockey
* the Hockey University Online Coach 1/2 course must be completed before you can register for the Coach 1 in-class course.
** House League coaches at the U13 level or higher and have previously qualified with Development 1 or High Performance 1 do NOT need to take the Coach 2 course.

If your unsure what requirements you need, please consult the HEO Certification/Qualification Requirements for more information.

Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
