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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

Coach's Corner

What are my responsibilities as a Head Coach?

The responsibilities of the Head Coach include:
  • Developing and communicating clear and specific goals for the team, and individual players;
  • Modeling and teaching necessary, and age-appropriate skills for the development of individual players & team;
  • Promoting and enforcing Hockey Canada’s Fair Play Code;
  • Modelling good sportsmanship at all times;
  • Developing and communicating clear and specific expectations for players, team officials, and parents;
  • Supporting and collaborating with other OMHA coaches, and teams;
  • Providing an atmosphere of teamwork and collaboration among team officials, players, and parents;
  • Creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for the players.
Coaching resources available HERE.

How do I choose assistant coaches, trainers, team managers? How many can I have?  
  • House League teams may have up to five (5) team officials listed on the roster. The OMHA covers the insurance for these assistants. The OMHA holds an annual Coaches Meeting at the beginning of the season to discuss information and strategies regarding choosing team assistants.
How do I select team captains and alternate team captains?
  • If you decide to do that, we suggest that team Captain and Alternates are chosen at the end of October when the coaches and players have had an opportunity to get to know each other. There may be a selection process in place by the coach. The Captain and Alternate should demonstrate good leadership skills, discipline and the ability to represent their team. There can be one Captain and three Alternates, although this is often not in place until the U13 level.
When do I submit my team roster?
  • The coach must submit the names of players, bench officials, trainer and team manager to the Registrar who, upon review, forwards the roster to the Gloucester Hockey Association ("GHA"). The formal roster MUST be completed one week prior to first league game so that it can be filed with the GHA.
Are there training sessions available for team officials?
  • The OMHA holds multiple meetings at the beginning of the year for players, coaches and managers. Attendance is mandatory and if you do not attend, any issues during the year, the association will not be accountable.
  • Training is also offered by Hockey Canada ("HC"): HC Clinics Catalog
Where can I find help to plan practices? BUDGET QUESTIONS: Why do I need a team budget? What are hockey operation vs. non-hockey operation expenses? When does it need to be submitted? What are team fees and what do they cover? Are there guidelines/policies to follow?
  • You need a budget that is ratified - the OMHA is a non-profit organization and needs to be accountable to all parents and can be audited at any time.
  • It is suggested that a proposed budget be prepared for discussion at the first parent meeting. Parents have the right to question the budget. Upon approval, a signed budget must be submitted to the OMHA Registrar by December 31. Final year-end budgets must be submitted when the equipment is returned. 
  • Sweater deposits are returned once the year-end budget is received and the jerseys are determined to be in good condition.
  • The team may collect team fees to help pay for the operations (extra ice, exhibition games, officials, tournaments, etc.) over the course of the season. There are maximums team fees set for each level:
    • U9 and U11 - $250
    • U13 - $350
    • U15, U18 and U21 - $450
    • Rep B (all age levels) - $1,000
  • Your team may also choose to do additional fundraising to help pay for other things such as tournament entry fees. The OMHA Constitution states, “Funds raised by the House League teams whether though parental contribution, fundraising or sponsorship will be spent as a minimum of 75% on hockey operations, including but not limited to ice time rental, referees, team equipment, etc. Team apparel, year-end gifts to players or coaches are not considered a part of hockey operations.” Name bars and hockey socks are considered hockey equipment/operations.
  • Sponsor bars are not considered hockey equipment/operations.
What services will the Mentorship Committee provide?
  • The OMHA Mentorship Committee presents coach education opportunities and assistance for practice development. This may include White Board sessions with guest speakers, Skating Development sessions, and Goalie clinics. 
  • Each division is assigned a coach mentor. 
Does the OMHA supply practice equipment?
  • Yes: pucks, pylons and other practice supplies are provided to coaches.
How do I obtain team jerseys for my team?  
  • The coach is responsible to designate a team equipment manager to take care of the team’s jerseys, launder, and bring to each game. Jerseys must be kept in team jersey bags, supplied by the OMHA. 
  • The team will place a $500 deposit for jerseys at the beginning of the year. This deposit is returned once the team set of jerseys is returned in good condition. 
  • Name bars and/or sponsor bars are not to be removed by the teams - the OMHA equipment manager is responsible for removing name bars.
Will I get feedback from completed coach evaluations?
  • Yes, the Director of Risk & Safety is the coordinator of the evaluations. He/she will compile the results and provide the feedback designed for coach development purposes. Coach evaluations are completed mid- and end of season.
How do I choose tournaments? Do all players have to attend? What documents need to be completed?
  • Local tournaments are available on the HEO minor website: HEO Minor Tournament Search
  • The OMHA sponsors tournaments at the U11 and the U15 levels that our house league teams must attend.
  • The OHF branch website has listings for provincial tournaments. 
  • Players are not obligated to attend tournaments; BUT since these costs are covered with team fees, no refunds are provided to players who choose not to attend tournaments.  
  • TO KEEP IN MIND: travel permits must be completed for out of town tournaments, and all tournaments must be sanctioned.
Can my team have its own website?
  • Yes. Team pages are available on the OMHA website.  
​How can I change a scheduled game if my team is away at a tournament?
  • There is a GHA process that must be followed as soon as possible. Please refer to details on the OMHA and the GHA website. 
​Are teams allowed to hold sessions on outdoor rinks? I have a player who identifies as the opposite gender; how do I manage this in regard to the dressing room? Who do I contact if I need information or have an issue to discuss?
  • Please contact your child’s team manager and try to resolve it at the coach level. If a solution is not found, please contact the Director of your respective division. If the Director can’t resolve the situation, he/she will engage the Board to resolve the issue.

Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
