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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

Development & Mentorship

If you are looking for information on our skating & goalie clinics or whiteboard sessions - see our What’s New page
If you are looking for information on the Coach Development Credit System, click here 
To learn more about the OMHA Mentorship Program, see below


The National Hockey Mentorship Program is designed to provide Minor Hockey coaches with supplemental educational opportunities, one-on-one mentoring and to provide support in areas that have been identified by hockey experts across the country as “hot” issues in today’s game.

Coaches Helping Coaches


 The purpose of this program is a result of the direct action Hockey Canada and its member Branches have taken since the Coaching Association of Canada’s evaluation of the NCCP in 1995 and the Molson Open Ice Summit on player development of 1999. 

In both events, it was determined that the mentoring of coaches at all levels and specifically minor hockey is the key to the future growth of coaching in Canada. The ultimate outcome is improved athlete development through the establishment of a national coach mentoring program. 

The Orleans Minor Hockey Association is aware of the importance of the mentorship model and is committed to the development of all of their coaches.



The 2015/16 Mentorship Plan & Activities will be posted on our What's New page soon. Generally, the OMHA Mentorship Committee is dedicated to delivering the following:

Seminars and Classroom Presentations

o   A number of classroom sessions are conducted throughout the season. Some target specific coach levels (Initiation, House, RepB) and some are general and open to all coaches (Initiation to Midget).

o   Classroom topics vary from season to season and are usually lead by one or more guest speakers. Topics can range from teaching various skills, planning effective practices or planning for an entire season.

o   OMHA has also offered Trainer, Manager and Off-Ice training seminars

Round Table discussions

o   These discussions, set-up in various formats such as White Board or roundtable workshops, allow coaches to choose topics of interest and share their experiences with each other.

     On-Ice sessions

o   Regular skating sessions providing drills and drill progressions will benefit OMHA players and go a long way towards their long term development.

o   Participation of coaches in the regular skating sessions will enable the coaches to be more efficient in teaching the player development and game skills.

o   Some ice sessions are conducted to support the information given in the classroom sessions.

    Goaltending Ice Sessions

o   Regular goaltending sessions are held for young goaltenders throughout the season. These sessions will benefit OMHA goaltenders and supplement their long term development.

o   Participation of coaches in the regular goaltending sessions will provide coaches with drills and position understanding so as to make practices more enjoyable for young goaltenders.

    One-to-One Mentoring

o   Mentor coaches are available to assist coaches with game and practice situations such as planning and assistance on various hockey topics.

Mentor Coaches > “Not to critique, but to construct”


Hockey Canada is presently developing its revamped of National Coach Certification Renewal. The new system will assess various points to the completion of specific tasks and attendance at specified activities.  Participants will progress through the National Coach Certification Program by accumulating the number of points required for the desired level.
Pending the finalization and implementation of the new Hockey Canada certification program, the 2013/14 season saw the development and introduction by the OMHA of its own Coach Development Credit System. Building upon its success last season, the program will be further enhanced this year.  Through the completion of specific program development and delivery tasks, Coaches can earn credits which we anticipate will be recognized, in whole or in part, as meeting the new Hockey Canada certification requirements.  And there are many ways within the OMHA program to collect credits, including -

  • Attending the OMHA pre-season Coaches Meeting.....................................3 credits
  • Attending the pre-season ‘Newbie’ Practice Planning Seminar.................3 credits
  • Having your manager attend the Manager’s Pre-season Seminar...............1 credit
  • Having your trainer attend the Trainer’s Pre-season Seminar......................1 credit
  • Submitting the agenda of your pre-season Parent Meeting.........................2 credits
  • Submitting your Team Budget by dates specified by OMHA......................1 credit
  • Attending weekly scheduled skating/goalie sessions................................1 credit  - sched / 2 credits - other
  • Attending the Half-ice Practice Session - Improving Practice Habits..........3 credits
  • Attending a whiteboard session.......................................................................3 credits
  • Submitting a season plan to your division Coach Mentor...........................5 credits
  • Submitting all season practices to your division Coach Mentor (due Feb 1)..5 credits
  • Attending Scotiabank /Tim Horton’s Coach Emporium...............................2 credits
  • Submitting a ‘Drill of the Month’ (text w/diagram) for Behind the Bench......2 credits
  • Attending specialized seminars offered by HEO..........................................2 credits
  • Providing assistance to/mentoring another Coach......................................1 credits

Participation = Results!

Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
