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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

AGM 2023

Dear OMHA Member,
As the saying goes… “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, in the hockey world, “It takes a community of volunteers to develop a player and support their hockey experience.”
In a normal year, we have approximately 120 volunteers who help operate our amazing minor hockey association. Volunteers are the important foundation in ensuring that our children get to enjoy the privilege of playing the greatest game on earth. These volunteers are led by a hard working, dedicated and elected ten (10) member Board of Executives. Although the executives do a fantastic job; in time, they end up moving on as their kids graduate out of minor hockey.

Every year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), there are elections to elect five (5) members of the executive. This year, we will also have an election for a one year term for the Vice-President.
In order for elections to occur, we require members to step up and submit their candidacy for one of the following elected positions at this year’s Annual General Meeting, which will take place on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 7:30 PM 

The executive positions up for election this year are:
President - 2 year term
Vice-President - 1 year term
Secretary – 2 year term
Director Risk & Safety - 2 year term
Director U9/U11 - 2 year term
Director Competitive - 2 year term
Please submit your candidacy via e-mail to all three (3) members of our nomination committee no later than Sunday, April 16, 2023 at 11:59 PM

Jay Hatson -
Louise Groulx -
KimAnn Hearty –

Here’s your chance to make a great contribution to your child’s hockey experience!!!
We will also provide additional information for the AGM in an email that will be sent in early April. This year, we expect to return to an in-person format.
We hope that you have enjoyed the season and want to wish you the best of luck during the playoffs.

Yours in hockey,

Jocelyn Murray
OMHA President

Please see below for amendments to the OMHA Constitution that will be proposed at the 2023 AGM:

#1. Motion to amend the OMHA Constitution and Bylaws in all Articles and Bylaws as required to allow only OMHA members living within the geographic boundaries of Orleans, defined as those with a home address postal code beginning with K1C, to vote at any OMHA meetings. This includes members of the OMHA Board Executive and applies to all meetings including, but not limited to, Annual General Meetings, Special Meetings and Board Meetings.
#2. Motion to amend Article 7.4 of the Constitution to state: "The Annual General Meeting shall be open only to OMHA members living within the geographic boundaries of Orleans, defined as those with a home address postal code beginning with K1C."
#3. Motion to amend Article 7.5 of the Constitution to state: "There shall be allowed one vote per registered player living within the geographic boundaries of Orleans, defined as those with a home address postal code beginning with K1C, to a maximum of two votes per household/family unit on any constitutional amendments and elections..." with the rest remaining as-is.
#4. Motion to amend Articles 7.8 a) and 7.10 a) to allow only Executive members with a home address postal code beginning with K1C to vote at any meetings.
#5. Motion to amend Article 13.3 to state: "Any other type of jersey (ie. third jerseys) are permitted to be worn during exhibition or tournament games only with written permission from the O.M.H.A. President."
#6. Motion to add the following to Bylaw 18.1- Discipline Committee: "18.1 d) The OMHA Executive may adjust the composition of this committee, as required."
#7. Motion to add the following to Bylaw 20 - Coach Selection Committee: "20.2 c)The OMHA Executive may adjust the composition of this committee, as required."
#8. Motion to update names of all age divisions throughout the Constitution, Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Duties to correspond with current HEO age division names: IP to U7, Novice to U9, Atom to U11, Peewee to U13, Bantam to U15, Midget to U18 and Juvenile to U21.

Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
