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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

AGM 2024: April 30th, 7:30pm, Bob MacQuarrie- Hall A

As our 2023/24 hockey season rapidly approaches the final days, it is time to share the details of our Annual General Meetings (AGMs). The AGM is a time for members to vote on issues important to the association, to provide their feedback to association board members and to volunteer to get involved in association leadership.

*Please note that, during this Pilot Merger between Orleans Minor Hockey and Gloucester Centre Minor Hockey, each association will be holding a separate AGM. Attendance, voting and executive membership candidacy is only open to those members residing within the traditional catchment area of each association, as defined by their constitutions. Attendance, voting and executive candidacy for the AGM detailed below is limited to only those members residing within the K1C area. Separate information will be sent out on Gloucester Centre's AGM for members residing within their traditional catchment area.*

This season we have had over 200 valued volunteers that helped operate our amazing minor hockey association. Our volunteers are an important foundation in ensuring that many children get to enjoy the privilege of playing the greatest game on earth. These volunteers are led by a hard-working and dedicated volunteer Board of Executives. Although all of our executives do a fantastic job, in time, as their kids graduate out of minor hockey, they decide to move on to other things.

Every year at the OMHA AGM, elections are held to select five (5) members of our executive board. In order for this to happen, we ask that interested members step up and submit their candidacy for one of the positions up for election, which will take place during the AGM scheduled for April 30th, 7:30pm, Bob MacQuarrie- Hall A.

The executive positions up for election this year are:
Vice-President - 2 year term
Treasurer - 2-year term
Director of Mentorship - 2-year term
Director U13/U15 - 2-year term
Director U18/U21 - 2-year term

Please submit your candidacy via e-mail to all three members of our Nomination Committee no later than April 21st at 11:59 PM:
Leah White -
Nadia Roy -
Amanda Lauzon –

Here’s your chance to make a contribution to your child’s hockey experience. We hope that you have enjoyed being part of our hockey association this season!

Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
