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Orleans Minor Hockey Association
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Motion for Voting at 2024 AGM

The following motion will be presented at the 2024 AGM for voting on by eligible OMHA members:

"The President of the OMHA (Jocelyn Murray), seconded by the Director of U18 & U21 (Jeremy Hatson) motions at the 2024 OMHA AGM that:

The Orleans Minor Hockey Association Board of Directors be granted approval by voting members of the OMHA to begin the process of an official merger with the Gloucester Centre Minor Hockey Association for the start of the 2025-2026 season.  YES/NO"

*Please note the following rules governing voting procedures, as per the OMHA Constitution:
7.4. The Annual General Meeting shall be open only to O.M.H.A. members living within the geographic boundaries of Orleans, defined as those with a home address postal code beginning with K1C.

7.5. There shall be allowed one vote per registered player living within the geographic boundaries of Orleans, defined as those with a home address or postal code beginning with K1C, to a maximum of two votes per household/family unit on any constitutional amendments and elections as part of the Annual General Meeting; including the following considerations:
a) The members of the Executive of the current season
b) Registered hockey players of the current season who are 18 years or older 
c) One parent, or guardian, for each registered hockey player of the current season
d) Registered Team Officials from the current season who are not parents of guardians of a registered player
e) No one member shall have more than one vote for each item requiring a vote.

7.6. Members must be physically present at the meeting to exercise their right to vote. No proxy voting shall be permitted.

Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
