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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

Miscellaneous Information


Club vs. Individual player affiliation; what is the difference?
  • Individual affiliation is the only available option available.
  • Club affiliation is no longer permitted following a decision from Hockey Canada in 2019.
  • Once a player has accepted to be affiliated to a specific team, he must sign that appropriate form. The team that is affiliating the player will submit that form to the registrar. Once the affiliation is approved, the player can participate in the team’s practices and play a maximum of 15 meaningful games with that team.
  • All affiliations will need to by the level coach and the parents. Under no circumstances are the coaches to approach a parent prior to contacting the player’s coach before the affiliation is reported.
  • For more information on the affiliation process and the appropriate form, please consult the Gloucester Hockey Association site or contact the president or vice-president for clarification.
Fundraising and sponsorship

What kind of fundraising is permissible? Is there a limit to fundraising?
  • All fundraising should be requested to the OMHA board/your director to make sure you are following the OMHA fundraising guidelines and rules.
  • The OMHA does have limits on fundraising: fundraising and sponsorship efforts for House League teams will be limited a maximum of twice the total of the maximum contribution limits for a team multiplied by the number of players on the team that year.
  • Fundraising activities are optional and the efforts are to be equally shared by all members of the team.
Can we sew sponsor bars on our jerseys?

Sponsor bars must be approved by the OMHA executive - sewing of sponsor bars must only be sewn on by the OMHA designated supplier. If sponsor bars are added to a full of jerseys, a $300 fee is levied against the jersey deposit ($150/set).

How can I volunteer with my child’s team? What are the requirements?

Depending on the role you want to play on your child’s team you will need to verify the criteria on the OMHA website (Volunteer Resources).

How can I become a member of the OMHA executive?

Refer to the OMHA website in March for a listing of available executive positions and for instructions on how to become a member of the OMHA executive. All executive positions are elected at the Annual General Meeting. At times, a vacancy may exist during the season: please contact the OMHA President, if interested.
Can I get high school volunteer hours with the OMHA?

Volunteers are recruited for assistance during the Atom Tournament in November. Please contact the Registrar if interested.

How does the OMHA get ice?
  • The City of Ottawa distributes a set amount of ice to the Gloucester Hockey Association which then distributes ice to minor hockey associations. The ice provided to the OMHA is then allocated for practices to each division/team through the OMHA Ice Coordinator.
  • The younger divisions may share practice ice with another team in order to provide increased opportunity for practices (you will see these as half-ice sessions).
  • If a team has received a practice ice allotment that is in conflict with a game, or comes into conflict with a game as a result of a schedule change, it is the responsibility of the team's Head Coach to resolve the conflict in collaboration with the Ice Scheduler; and if that is not possible, the coach must sell or trade the ice with another OMHA team at their level or just above or below their level.
  • Additional practice ice is available for purchase from the: OMHA, GHA, City of Ottawa. Under no circumstances is a team to leave practice ice that has been allotted unused (burn practice ice).
How is ice allocated to teams?
  • The allocation of ice to teams is completed in a fair manner - team schedules and known tournaments are considered to limit any conflicts.
  • In the OMHA, it is typical for younger aged teams to have earlier ice times (7 am) while U15, U18 and U21 have later or (9 pm) ice times.
  • However, all ice is allotted based on what has been given to our association.
How much practice ice is given to teams?

From U9 to U13 the teams are allocated 10 full hours (20 half ice) hours for practice.

How can I purchase extra ice for my team?

Please refer to the OMHA website link for purchasing ice.
Can I use allocated ice for a friendly parent-player hockey game?

No parent-player hockey games are permissible under GHA rules.

Equipment and Team Apparel

Can my child keep the jersey at the end of the season?

No, the association has jerseys for reuse at every level from U7 to U21. The association invest a lot of money to have a unique identity and are usually replaced within a 7- to 10-year span.

Do goalies need to purchase their own goalie equipment?

If you have a child as a goalie, the association will provide goalie equipment for a small rental fee, at the house league level. If you child is at a competitive level please contact the president, vice-president or registrar to see if that association has equipment available.

Where can I purchase OMHA Rush team apparel?

OMHA Rush apparel (jackets, hats, hoodies, etc.) can be purchased at Houle Sports in Orleans, the official merchandise supplier of the OMHA.
Privacy and Social Media

Where can I find information related to privacy and social media use within OMHA?

All information on the OMHA is located HERE.

Risk and Safety
The OMHA site has valuable information on Risk and Safety, including return to play following an injury, dressing room policy, etc.
Please refer to the Risk and Safety tab above.

Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
