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Orleans Minor Hockey Association

2014-15 Recipients

2015 Brad Girouard Awards:

At the Orleans Minor Hockey Association Annual General meeting (April 29, 2015), Ted and Barb Girouard were on hand to present the Annual Brad Girouard Award to the 2015 recipients;

NOVICE           Samuel Rhéaume
ATOM              Nolan Bradimore
PEE-WEE         Rhys Traynor
BANTAM         Jérémie Martin
MIDGET           Ben Stephenson

The Orleans Minor Hockey Association proudly congratulate the 2015 Brad Girouard Award recipients and would like to extend a special thank you to Ted and Barb for their ongoing dedication and support in continuing this wonderful tradition of player recognition.

Confirmed Merge and Upcoming Consultation On a New Name


2024 OMHA U11 Tournament: Results & Standings


In Loving Memory - Michel Breau


GCMHA U15 Tournament & OMHA U11 Tournament
